Sunday, March 7, 2021

Balancing Life with a Kalimba Even While You Work

Choosing an instrument to play is the first step towards entering a whole new world. It can be a fun-filled and exciting one, with lots of learning, and the effort you put into it will always be worthwhile.

Family responsibilities, a full-time job and other life priorities might leave little time to practice music. Add some pending reports along with accumulated work stress to the mix and hardly anyone can expect to be in the mood to pick up even a little instrument like the kalimba and play. Or can they?

Luckily, a kalimba is portable enough for roaming souls. So if finding time for the kalimba seems impossible when you have Zoom calls to attend and work on your mind, then this article just might bring about the change in perspective you need!

  • Changing Thought Patterns

Do you remember learning how to type on a keyboard for the first time? It was probably difficult having to coordinate and precisely position each finger to hit the right keys and avoid potential typographical errors. Similarly, playing on a kalimba changes the way you think and learning to play an instrument will require you to absorb new information and master new skills.

Sometimes a tiny break practicing a song can help to scatter and reset your thoughts. It allows the mind to visualise situations from different perspectives and can even help you retain new learnings and perform better at work.

  • Travel-Friendly and Lightweight

If you’re already a musician, you might have found it hard to take your passion on a journey with you. If you aren’t a musician yet, you might have thought it’d be too difficult to carry an instrument and practice on the road. It can be, indeed, but it mainly depends on what kind of an instrument you want to play.

If you have an 8-key kalimba you can already envision how effortless it would be to slide in or out of your pocket making it very easy to carry around. What about the more popular 10/15/17/21 keys or a chromatic kalimba?

Slip your kalimba in its case and drop it in a classy backpack or a sturdy tote so it stays safe whether you drive to multiple client meetings or just minding your own business in an elevator. Either way, you can imagine yourself taking it out to play even en route provided there is sufficient space.

  • Encourages Patience and Perseverance

The process of learning to play an instrument involves the coordination of your mind and your muscles. Even with the kalimba you will require to learn fingerings of various combinations or chord shapes. Patience is the key here. As you develop multiple techniques and with consistent practice, you will see, rather hear results and find yourself improving. 

In the same way, you will find yourself building patience towards your work. Instead of getting frustrated at the lack of immediate results, a solution-finding mode sets in that could even help with performing work tasks in an improved and organised fashion. 

  • A Unique Meditation Tool
Probably the most enjoyable aspect of playing guitar is the cathartic experience that comes with creating music. Moreover, music has been scientifically linked to be able to lower stress levels and is a healthy way to take your mind off your worries at the end of the work day.

Playing the thumb piano is much like a form of meditation. the sound created is light and whimsical, enabling positive mood changes. The simplicity of the kalimba beckons you empty your mind. Next time you experience a messy day having to deal with difficult colleagues and need to unwind, just breathe deep, pick up that kalimba, and play the negativity away!

  • Music Connects People

The next time you find yourself in a new office job, bring along some portable hobbies that leaves open a window for a peek into your personality. If you are fond of reading, having an ebook reader around shows that you enjoy taking some time out of a hectic schedule to relax with a good read.

Leave the kalimba out on your desk. Even if you are new to the instrument or have been practicing for a few years, it will undoubtedly be an excellent ice-breaker and a sure-fire way to building new relationships even in a professional workspace.


If you are a student, perhaps you might also be interested in reading this lovely article about the kalimba as a college essential, which was the inspiration behind this post.

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