Saturday, February 6, 2021

Caring for Stickers on Your Kalimba Tines

A quick search on YouTube for stickers and kalimba will likely have you watching multiple esthetically pleasing videos on how to apply 
stickers to the tines of a freshly unboxed kalimba. For those who have tried it out, it is especially pleasing when you finally manage to get them all aligned perfectly on the tines and look all  dressed-up and ready for some music practice.

Sticker placement, as we know, is an art in itself that requires steady digits besides a set of trusty tweezers. Even so, sticker mishaps can happen even to the best of us and can turn out to be a messy affair if done incorrectly. So if you or someone you know has been considering applying or removing the stickers on their tines, or perhaps looking for fresh ideas when it comes to stick-on kalimba decor, then this article might be what you need.

Sticker types

Let's begin with the types of stickers you place on kalimba tines. Most kalimba kits arrive with the alpha-numeric stickers and the coloured marking stickers. Besides those, attractive bejewelled alternatives are also available. Also in case you were wondering, stickers applied on kalimba tines do not affect the sound of the instrument (debatable) in any way that is genuinely noticeable .

Stickers will peel off with time

Musicians who have been playing the kalimba for a good while have noticed that with time, notation stickers will begin to peel off (sometimes within a matter of two to three months of regular use), and the glue leaves a very thin residue. This residue can be easily remedied by using alcohol wipes.

Tine discolouration

Sadly though, that part of the tine also remains slightly discoloured in the shape of the sticker. In the image alongside, the tines without stickers have barely noticeable discolouration. It is noticeable only when light falls on that part of the tine perfectly. While this may affect the esthetic appeal, it is a personal perspective and many heave learnt to love their musical instruments as they are.

The solution - permanent markers

Should you have stickers that have begun to peel away, it is best to take those off completely as it may appear unsightly. If you are still in your learning phase and are unsure, consider only removing the stickers of one or two particular notes. This ensures that you will learn to memorise the location of said note.

Alternatively, you may choose to remove all the stickers and use a Sharpie or similar pen to mark the tines instead. These markings stay till you want to remove using an alcohol wipe. It is additionally useful for when you might want to retune or if you prefer the look.

Here is a helpful process video on how to apply and remove notations using a permanent marker. Good luck and happy kalimba practice!


If you enjoyed this article on simple tips to care for your kalimba, stay tuned for more updates from the Kalimba Care series!

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