Monday, November 23, 2020

Considering Going Chromatic? Check Out These Kalimbas!

Take your kalimba music to the chromatic level!

Chromatic kalimbas have been around for quite some time and have recently received a surge in interest, especially among kalimba playing Youtubers. These instruments are an excellent step up from the diatonic kalimbas in 15, 17 or 21 keys, as they offer opportunities of complexity to the range of musical possibilities.

If you are wondering what makes a chromatic kalimba special, check out these articles for a quick introduction to the chromatic kalimba, as well as how to play a chromatic kalimba.

Here are some interesting chromatic kalimbas in various designs to play some beautiful music. Read on!

1. Single-layer Chromatic Kalimba
  • Bolf Aurora: Marek Bolf makes various kalimba instruments in Slovakia, and puts great attention to detail into each one. Among their many premium kalimbas is the aptly named Aurora, a 21 key G-tuned chromatic kalimba that sounds as good as it looks. It is sturdy, precisely built, and beautiful: very much like a work of art. YouTuber Tip's Kalimba reviews and displays this kalimba in all its beauty. Do note that the premium quality also comes with a premium price and is far from a budget-kalimba!

2. Dual-layer Chromatic Kalimba

  • Seeds
  • This particular chromatic kalimba came out as a prototype and is now a very affordable and increasingly popular chromatic kalimba option. The Seeds 34 key chromatic kalimba can be purchased via GoKalimba in B or C tuning with worldwide shipping and is also available on Amazon USA.

  • Chill Angels: Another beautiful choice in the chromatic kalimba range from Chill Angels. The prices are relatively higher than your diatonic kalimbas but are worth the expense for those who want quality workmanship. At the time of writing this article, there are currently two 36 key chromatic kalimba options, made using African Paduak wood in hollow vibrato as well as flat board designs. Youtuber Zeida Sound has a review for anyone interested in how lovely these kalimbas can be.

  • Namas-Omma: Chromatic kalimbas of the near future are quite likely to be designed in such esthetically pleasing and user-friendly designs. Kalimba players who also have a love for felines will be interested to know that they have cat-shaped models of chromatic kalimbas. Youtuber Lanna Yin has two from the same brand and you can check out her technique playing the Super Mario Bros theme as well as the kitty-cat model below.

3. Opposite-sided Chromatic Kalimba

  • Hugh Tracey: Probably one of the most popular chromatic kalimbas available from Kalimba Magic. Crystal Sings has given an honest review showing viewers that while the chromatic kalimba design is complex, it can be learnt within a short span of time with a little bit of patience and determination. Also, check out Eva Auner, as well as Yohei Kisanuki (AKA Limbatrip), mentioned in a previous article; a true master of the chromatic kalimba!

  • Kalimba Kings: Beautiful and budget-friendly, this chromatic kalimba is suitable for anyone who wants to test out such a unique instrument. Eva Auner uses this particular chromatic kalimba, as well as a Hugh Tracey alto chromatic; so interested kalimba learners, can listen and compare how the two sound in her videos. As can be seen in a review by Youtuber Cassieee727, the sound is as good as can be expected for a budget kalimba.


Hope you enjoyed this chromatic kalimba collection. If the price was not an issue, which one of these gorgeous chromatic kalimbas would you immediately love to have? Let the world know in the comments below!


Looking for ideas and designs to build your own chromatic kalimba? Check out this post on DIY chromatic kalimbas with instructional videos too!


  1. @KalimbaUB I have a chromatic kalimba too 。It can play all kinds of songs I love ❤️

    1. It must be so nice to have all the sharps and flats and not have to retune the kalimba every time as well.

  2. I bought it from 👉生命樹夜光鶯-33音雙層全音階夜光板式卡林巴/ any questions can contact me too 😉

    1. Thank you for sharing! I'm sure some will want to get one like yours as well!

  3. I heard on Chinese forums that Namas is a rip off of Daimone...

    1. Well, well, well. That sure is interesting. Thanks for bringing it up. They do look very similar. Kalimba Magic too has an article about quite a few 'Chinese brands' that are rip-offs' of Hugh Tracey kalimba designs.

  4. May I know where you can get a chromatic Kalimba in India?

  5. Hi there, thanks for writing in. Currently there are no makers of chromatic kalimbas in India.
    Do consider ordering one from overseas as it would definitely be worth it! :)
