Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Affordable Hollow Kalimbas in India - 7, 10, 17 and 21 Keys!

So you've been watching kalimba videos and you're already excited to take one on? Great idea! To my fellow desi fans asking where to buy, how to choose, prices and the kind of kalimbas available in the Indian market, this is for you.

Before moving ahead, let's understand what exactly is a hollow kalimba and what makes them so unique?

hollow kalimba, as its name suggests, has a hollow body that creates a large chamber for the notes to resonate when the tines are plucked. You can usually recognise this type of kalimba by the circular or uniquely shaped hole on its front, just below the tines. There are also electric hollow kalimbas that allow you to connect to an amplifier. Perfect for those who are in a band or want to play around with special effects.

1. Kadence Pulse 10 Key Solid Mahogany Kalimba

Kadence is commonly known for their guitars, but did you know that they sell kalimbas too? Well, you do now. This brown kalimba from the house of Kadence, is a great sounding melodic instrument in a compact, handheld size. With its solid construction and an ergonomic shape you can experience the sound of pure joy as your fingers move through every key and resonating melody.

Saturday, June 19, 2021

My First Kalimba From Global Village, Dubai!

This is a story about how I got my very first kalimba in Dubai!

Dubai is city I once called home for half a decade, and during my time in that gorgeous city there are plenty of unforgettable experiences that I still hold dear. Among those are trips to Global Village, one of the most fun-filled tourist attractions in the UAE, and where I was introduced to a kalimba.

Click to Listen to the Sounds of this Kalimba!

A trip to Global Village - 2016

Outside the African pavillion, lively music and fanfare emanated calling out to one and all. This was where I bought shea butter for the first time and it is still one of my favourite finds.

As I strolled around, I came upon a stall selling African music instruments where a colourful coconut shell kalimba with just 7 keys caught my eye. The shop-minder showed me how easy it is to create fun sounds on the tines. The arrangement was random, it sounded very relaxing, and was comforting to hold too. I was sold.

Sadly, I returned to Mumbai  to study a year later and mostly forgot about the little instrument.

A post-graduation treat - 2020

Last year, after completing my Human Resource Management studies, I treated myself to some kalimbas. I now own two 17 key kalimbas; a Gecko camphor flatboard and a Hluru rosewood hollow-box. The 21 key Lingting in walnut is another gift from a dear friend. I love all three of them and continue to share short videos on various social media platforms. 

Finally, a reunion - 2021

For a good while my belongings remained in Dubai until they were recently couriered to me this month. Finally, I was so happy to be reunited with my very first kalimba! It still feels good to play it just like the very first time I found it in Dubai.

Thus, so ends this little tale of my first kalimba.