Saturday, October 24, 2020

New to Kalimbas? Follow These Inspiring Kalimba Artists

Thinking of getting your first kalimba or have one and in need of some inspiration?

While a lot of kalimba playing musicians have some prior experience with learning music, many out there have decided to pick up the kalimba as their very first instrument. So take it slow and learn how to play at your own pace. The only competition you should be worried about is yourself.

There are a number of excellent kalimba players and each one has their own unique style that makes you want to learn to play. To help you out, here are a few kalimba artists that make your kalimba learning journey fun.

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Kalimba Communities - Kalimba Forum, Facebook, Reddit and More!

Still undecided about the type of kalimba to buy?

Or perhaps you bought yourself a kalimba and have no clue where to start?

Do you have a key or tine that does not resonate very well and need to ask someone about it?

Learning to play a kalimba is fun, and what makes it an even better experience is being connected within a community dedicated especially for kalimba players. While YouTube, Instagram and other social platforms are great for sharing song covers, there are some highly interactive kalimba channels that are very responsive to queries. Some even post uniquely informative kalimba content for beginners as well as experienced kalimba players.

A well-organised community invites discussion and plenty of learning. So if you want to interact with other kalimbaists, get going and join any or all of the communities below.